Speech by the president of The Republic of Somaliland on May 18 2021


Speech by the president of The Republic of Somaliland on May 18 2021

Chairmen of Both Houses of Parliament

Chairman of the Supreme Court

Cabinet Ministers

Members of the House of Parliament

The large delegation from Djibouti

The delegation from the Regional government of Ethiopia

The delegation from the Czech Republic

Honorable Guests from African Youth Organization

Representatives of Djibouti, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, Taiwan and Turkey in Somaliland

Honorable Guests at the Ceremony.



Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today is May 18, 2021- the 30th Anniversary of the day, we have reclaimed the sovereignty of the Republic of Somaliland. It is the day of peace, wellbeing, development and forming a government based on the need and aspiration of the people of Somaliland.


It is a historical day which has special significance for us. It is a day that manifests and interprets the durability, strength, determination of decision which laid down the basis of an independent country, which broke its merger with another country while each country went back to its colonial border.


Globally, governments hand over countries with economy, society and a system of government entact. The new government uses what it took over as a base and develops on that; but unfortunately, in 1991 SNM freed Somaliland from the dictator, that has totally destroyed the country.


From1991 up to now, Somaliland has passed through 4 main stages:


Freeing the country, peace building among the Somaliland Clans and Declaration of Reclamation of Somaliland

With the exception of major towns in the country, the rest of the country was freed from the dictatorial regime in 1989. In January 1991, the major towns were freed after the remaining dictatorial forces were defeated.


This was the difficult stage that the people of Somaliland and have to go through. The people of Somaliland -who were in the Refugee Camps of Ethiopia- returned to a totally devastated and destroyed country; where their houses and economy infrastructures were totally destroyed. There was no water, roads, electricity, schools and health centers. They returned to a country where more than 2 million mines were buried. These mines caused great damage on the people who returned to their homes- in the freed country from the dictatorial regime.


Somaliland National Movement (SNM) which freed the country and the rest of Somaliland clans gave priority to peace building among the brotherly clans of Somaliland- on which the enemy regime has planted a seed of enmity among them. During this period many consultation meetings were held such as:


  • Og meeting which was held between February 2 up to February 8 1991.
  • Tulli and Borama Meetings which were held in the beginning of February 1991.
  • Berbera National Conference of Somaliland Clans which was held from Feb.15 up to 27Feb 1991.


  • Burao National Conference of Somaliland Clans which was held in Burao from April 27 up to June 4 1991; which agreed on the Reclamation of the Sovereignty of Somaliland.

All these peace building conferences and meetings of Somaliland were funded locally. Somaliland depended on itself to provide necessary resources and funds, with no contribution from outside.


The bases for peace building among Somaliland clans were consultations, concessions and the role played by the elders and the traditional leaders of Somaliland,- on whom the people had full confidence. The sharing and consultations of SNM with intellectuals and elders from clans, who were not part of SNM and the people of Somaliland, makes SNM Somaliland a unique country, where a movement that attained independence shared power with the rest of the society. This resulted in trust, confidence and to be united in state building.



Strengthening Peace and Conflict Resolution

  • Burao Somaliland Great Conference was attended by traditional leaders and politicians and intellectuals as observers A committee of 17 members from the Guurti (Elders) and traditional leaders was formed to look into self-determination of the nation. The committee discussed the different views presented by the participants at the conference.
  • The committee after evaluating 30 years of unity with Somalia , agreed that they have faced problems and difficulties such as killings, imprisonments, looting, lack of power sharing but to be heldback. That we have faced difficulties but made no progress at all.
  • The committee evaluating how government power was shared since the government of Aden Abdulle Osman manifested that there was no equality from that merger day until the dictatorial regime which had mal-effect on the Somali people in general;  and particularly destroyed Somaliland in life and materially.


They agreed and reported that it is imperative to reclaim Somaliland’s sovereignty after failing in the merger of 1960. They recommended Somaliland to be a separate sovereign state. The Central Committee of SNM which was enlarged with addition of members from the clans which were not part of SNM accepted the recommendations. The Resolution was supported by the people of Somaliland.


  • SNM was empowered to be a transitional government for 2 years and lead the country to an election of one-man one-vote. Chairman and Vice-chairman of SNM were elected as president and Vice President.


  • The government formed at the conference faced a very difficult situation which included poor economy, lack of economic infrastructures, and a totally destroyed life. Their military didn’t have supplies or salary. People of Somaliland who returned from refugee camps found their homes destroyed and mined. Although encountered by these obstacles had to face this drastic situation, the government succeeded in holding National Communities Conference of Borama in 1993.




State-Building, Disarmament, & Strengthening Peace

  • In the Borama conference which was held from January up to May 1993, many problems were solved; such as inter-clan conflicts. An agreement was reached to take the presidential system of government and the National Charter was approved. This National Charter later on became the bases for the formation of the constitution. At the conference, the second president and vice-president were elected. The Elder’s Committee was approved to be legally the House of Elders “Guurti.”
  • The second government was luckier than the first one, because it had the National Charter that was approved. Although there were several extension of term in office, it succeeded in the formation of a government system. It succeeded in realizing disarmament, formation of the national army and police from SNM fighters and clan militias; it printed Somaliland’s currency and passport. It replaced SNM’s flag with a national flag and national anthem. It is a stage in which the National Charter was replaced by the national constitution which was approved by 97.5% on May 31, 2001 at national


FOURTH STAGE-JUNE 2001 up today- Implementation of the constitution, Democracy and Development


  • This is another important stage in the development of The Republic of Somaliland.


  • During this stage the country was ruled by three presidents elected by one-man one-vote, according the national constitution and other laws passed by the legislative.
  • The constitution led to the formation of the multi-party system and democratic elections. Up to now 6 elections were held in the country such as Presidential, House of Representatives and Local Council elections. 12 days from now (May 31 2021) the first dual-election in Somaliland is scheduled to be held.
  • An extensive progress has been achieved in building government system, democratization, economic development, education, health, foreign relations and diplomacy, water, roads, ports and other economic infrastructures.


Due to the long effort and the cooperation of the people and the governments in Somaliland, we achieved peace, stability and security. We live in a democratic state and have elections held democratically on the basis of;  one-man one-vote free and fair elections, which cannot be held in most of the countries in Africa.


During the last 30 years since Somaliland reclaimed its sovereignty and independence, we have formed a national security forces which can defend the people and the country.


We have also made developments in different fields:


  • We begun from a stage where there were no schools for our children and the only schools were under the shades of threes with stones used as chairs. All teachers were volunteers and were not paid any salary or allowance.
  • Thank God, today there are 1,730 well equipped schools and 31 universities. The number of students in these schools are 356, 959 students, while those in the universities are 39,000 students. 11,360 teachers in the schools are paid by the government.


  • In 1991, there weren’t any working health facilities in the country. Today, there are 454 hospitals and health centers.


  • In 2020, 2.5 million people were treated as in or out patients in these health centers.


  • In 1991, Somaliland children didn’t get any vaccination, while last year 540,000 children were vaccinated against contentious diseases.


  • In 1991, when we returned to the country all wells and dams were destroyed. Today we have 484 wells,109 dams and reservoirs.


  • In 1991, there were neither Civil Servants nor salary. Today, there are 20,860 civil servants who are paid by the government of the Republic of Somaliland.


  • In 1991, the Government in Somaliland had no economy, no budget to be approved by the neither counsels nor government income through revenue collection system. Currently for the budget for 2021 is 2,101,500,000,000 SL. SH.


GOAL 1: Quest for Recognition

  • Somaliland will make all efforts to attain international recognition in the coming years.


  • We will enhance our efforts in the quest of recognition of the Republic of Somaliland.
  • We will strengthen existing diplomatic relations and make effort in getting new ones.
  • We will focus on improving the number, quality, competence and knowledge of the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

GOAL 2: Economy

  • Somaliland will put all efforts to reduce poverty in the country and improve per capita income of its citizens.


  • It will encourage investment by local business as well as international investors, especially in the production sector such as: industry, fishery, agriculture, salt, modernization of agro-livestock etc. The government will provide and is ready to facilitate all requirements to achieve this goal.


  • Revision and modernization of revenue collection system in the country will be implemented.



  • Business demarcation system will be implemented to avoid business to be in hands of few that will lead to the formation of social classes, the national resources to be in the hands of few and put the rest to be poverty.


  • The government has a clear cut policy to provide the country with cheap electricity, in order to create small industries to help job-creation and decrease class differences.


GOAL 3: Health

  • The government’s goal is to realize the availability of a quality health service by raising the standards of hospitals in order to be free from traveling abroad for health, which is highly expensive.


  • The health policy agreed on will provide major cities in the country with the construction of modern hospitals which will suffice the health needs of their area.


  • The number and quality of hospitals and health workers will be increased.



  • The plan includes an increase in the number and quality of health centers for mother and child care (MCHs) as well as health services that are being provided for people in rural areas.
  • The plan envisages increasing the number and service of ambulances and the extension of the emergency health services in the country.

GOAL 4: Water

Although 484 boreholes, 109 dams and reservoirs have been dug, they are not enough to cover need of  water by the people and as such:


  • Our target is digging large dams to collect and preserve annual rain water to decrease insufficiency and lack of water during the dry seasons and droughts. At the same time to exploit rain water which flows into the sea every year.


  • To extend water distribution in towns to provide safe and clean water.

GOAL 5: Education

  • Our goal is to increase the number of schools in the country and at the same time improve the quality of education and teachers.
  • Especially emphasis will be given on learning math and science which are part of the future development we focus on.


  • Technological education will be included in the country’s educational curriculum because it is major part in the global economy development.
  • Vocational and technical training schools will be improved and increased in the country.


  • Higher Education Committee was formed to plan in ascertaining the quality and the education provided by universities in the country.
  • Official measurement for the ability and quality of education of universities in the country is established for providing licenses and canceling in the universities.


GOAL 6:  Economic Infrastructures

  • Somaliland using its geographical location at the St. Babul Mandab, through which one-third of international business and goods pass, have almost completed the first phase of 400 meters of the extensions of Berbera Port. At present, we plan to further extend the construction of Berbera port by 600 meters. This will make Berbera one of the biggest ports in Africa.


  • Our target is for Berbera Port to serve 1 million containers annually, instead of 150,000 containers which it currently serves.
  • We plan Berbera airport to be international and serve people and cargoes. Similarly, Egal International Airport in Hargeisa will be modernized.


  • Other economical infrastructures such as roads will be also rehabilitated.

GOAL 7: Elections and Democracy

  • We aspire to strengthening democratization in and good governance system in thecountry.


  • The people of Somaliland, the government and the political parties will do their outmost to realize that dual-election of the House of Representatives and Local Governments of The Republic of Somaliland will be held peacefully, freely and fairly.



  • Somaliland at present paid 75% of the expenses of the dual-election this year. Its future plan is to take the whole responsibility of providing 100% of the fund for Somaliland elections. We believe that, to be part of strengthening the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Somaliland, which is our responsibility as a sate.


  • We plan to immediately improve and raise the standard of education, efficiency and effectiveness of institutions responsible for democratizations and elections such as: National Electoral Commission, The Committee for Registration of Political Parties, Committees for Higher Education, the Judiciary and the different branches of the security sector.



  • We have prepared the Judiciary and Justice Reform Program.
  • We have prepared a plan for improving the education capability of security institutions about the constitution and local legal frameworks to ensure that their services are based on the constitution and local laws.




  • We are extremely aggrieved and concerned on the atrocities, carnage and aggression on the people of Palestine. We urge stopping the enmity and bloodshed of the people of Palestine. We call on the countries with the Veto power in the Security Council to intervene in the aggression and genocide being committed on the vulnerable and the people of Palestine.



  • It is unfortunate to see the government in Mogadishu whose term in office has expired, to be the only government-in the world- which is against the sovereignty of the Republic of Somaliland. That is hatred and enmity which has no bases at all; but will have long term mal-effect on the Somali people in general.


  • We advice that Somali people need peace, cooperation and development wherever they are. This can be achieved and realized by recognizing and respecting the sovereignty of the five Somali entities where God has ordained them to be.



  • I urge and call on the people of Somaliland to take part in the coming dual-election which will be held on May 31 in unity, brotherhood, and love of country. I urge them to make the election, one that hurts our enemies and make those who love Somaliland happy.


  • I appeal to all the political parties, candidates in the elections and voters to give priority to national interest, and to be responsible for the security and stability of their country, especially during the election.

Long live Somaliland


Khudbadda Madaxweynaha JSL

Xafladda Xuska 18 May 2021




  • Shir-guddoonka Labada Gole;


  • Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Sare;


  • Golaha Wasiiradda;


  • Xildhibaannada Labada Gole ee JSL;


  • Weftiga ballaadhan ee ka socda Dalka aan saaxiibka iyo walaalaha nahay ee Djibouti;
  • Weftiga ka socda Dawlad Deegaanka Itoobiya


  • Weftiga Dalka Czeck Republic;


  • Marti-sharafta ka socota Dhallinyarada Afrika;


  • Wakiillada Somaliland u jooga dalalka Djibouti, Imaaraadka Carabta, Itoobiya, Taiwan iyo Turkey;


  • Dhammaan marti-sharafta iyo mudanta xafladda joogta,


Dhammaantiin Asalaamu Calaykum Waraxma Tullaahi Wabarakaatuh


Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin;


Maanta waa 18-kii May, sannad-guuradii 30aad ee ka soo wareegtay la soo noqoshada madaxbannaanida Qarannimada JSL. Waa maalintii nabadda, bad-baadada, horumarka iyo helista nidaam Dawladeed oo ku dhisan doonista iyo rabitaanka shacabka JSL.

Waa maalin taariikhi ah; oo xasuus gaar ah innoo leh. Waa maalin ka turjumaysa adkaysiga ummaddeena iyo go’aan qaadasho masiiri ah oo seeska u dhigtay dhismaha dal madax-bannaan oo jiritaankiisu ku qotomo kala noqosho laba dal oo hore u midoobay, mid kastaana dib ugu noqday xuduudihiisii xilligii Isticmaarka.

Dawladaha adduunku waxa ay la kala wareegaan dal, dhaqaale, bulsho iyo nidaam Dawladnimo. Halkaasaa Dawladda cusub ee timaadaaba dalkaasi hore uga sii qaadaa. Hase yeeshee, 1991-kii, SNM waxa ay ka xoraysay Somaliland Kaligii Taliyihii Macangaga ahaa dal dhinac walba ka bur-bursan.

1991-kii ilaa maanta, Somaliland waxa ay soo martay afar marxaladood oo waaweyn:


MARXALADDA KOOWAAD: JANUARY – JUNE 1991: Xoraynta dalka iyo Nabadeyntii Beelaha Somaliland iyo ku dhawaaqiddii la soo noqoshada Madax-bannaanida Somaliland

In kastoo magaalooyinka waaweyn mooyee, dalka intiisa kale laga xoreeyey Taliskii Nacabka ahaa 1989-kii, haddana January 1991-kii ayaa si buuxda looga sifeeyey hadhaagii Taliskii laga adkaaday.

Marxaladdani waxay ahayd marxaladdii ugu adkeyd ee soo marta dadka reer Somaliland. Shacabkii Somaliland ee ku sugnaa xeryaha Qaxootiga ee Itoobiya, waxay ku soo noqdeen dal bur-bursan, guryahoogii oo la dumiyey, kaabayaashii dhaqaalaha dalka iyo aasaasiyaadkii nolosha sida biyaha, waddooyinka, Laydhka, iskuuladda iyo goobaha caafimaadka oo dhulka lala simay. Waxa ay ku soo noqdeen dal si aan naxariis lahayn loogu aasay in ka badan 2 Milyan oo miino ah, kuwaas oo waxyeelo weyn u gaystay dadkii shacabka ahaa ee dib ugu soo guryo noqonayey dhulkoodii laga xoreeyey Taliskii la jabiyey.

Ururkii SNM ee dalka xoreeyey iyo beelihii kale ee Somaliland waxa ay mudnaanta koowaad siiyeen nabadeynta beelaha walaalaha ah ee Taliskii nacabka ahaa kala irdheeyey. Waxa muddadaas la qabtay shirar badan oo is-daba joog ah oo ay ka mid ahaayeen:

  • Shirkii Oog ee qabsoomay 2 ilaa 8 February 1991-kii.
  • Shirkii Tulli iyo Boorama ee qabsoomay horaantii bishii February 1991-kii.
  • Shir-weynihii Berbera ee beelaha Somaliland ee qabsoomay 15 – 27 February, 1991-kii.
  • Shirkii Yagoori ee February 1991-kii.
  • Shir-weynihii Beelaha Somaliland ee ka qabsoomay Burco 27 April – 4 June, 1991-kii, laguna guddoomiyey dib-ula-soo-noqoshada Xornimadii Somaliland.


Dhammaan shirarkaa nabadeynta ee Somaliland iyadaa xoog, xoolo iyo xigmadba isku tashatay, cid ajaanib ahina waxba kuma darsan. Geedi-socodkii nabadeynta beelaha Somaliland waxa saldhig u ahaa talo-wadaag, isu-tanaasul, is-qancin, iyo doorkii muhiimka ahaa ee ay ka ciyaarayeen Guurtida iyo Salaadiinta Somaliland oo ay shacabku kalsooni ku qabeen iyo Ururkii SNM oo taladii la wadaagay mudakarkii beelihii aan ka midka ahayn iyo shacabka Somaliland. Taasina waxa ay ka dhigaysaa Ururka SNM mid taariikhda ku gala ururka kaliya ee dal uu u soo halgamay qabsaday, oo taladii la wadaagay dadkiisii. Taas oo keentay is-aamin, kalsooni iyo in laga wada shaqeeyo Qaran dhiska.


MARXALADDA LABAAD: JUNE 1991 – MAY 1993: Adkaynta Nabadda iyo Xallinta Khilaafaadka

  • In kastoon cidi ka maqnayn beelaha Somaliland Shir-weynihii Burco, madax-dhaqameed iyo siyaasiyiinba, haldoorkoodiina goob-joob ahaayeen, waxa arrinta aayo ka tashiga loo saaray Guddi ka kooban Guurti iyo Salaadiin tiradooduna dhammayd 17 xubnood. Guddidaas oo soo ururisay figradihii la isku waydaarsaday gole-waynaha.


  • Guddidii markii ay qiimeeyeen 30-kii sanno ee midowga lagula jiray Soomaaliya, waxa ay isku raaceen in aan dhibaato, dil, xabsi, hanti-boob, talo-maroorsi iyo dib-u-dhac mooyee, wax wanaag ah lagala kulmin. Guddidu markii ay qiimeeyeen dawladdii ugu horaysay ee Aadan Cabdille Cismaan sidii loo qaybiyay ee Somaliland quudhsiga ku ahayd iyo ilaa tii ugu dambaysay ee Kali-taliska ahayd, ee iyada oo Soomaali oo dhan khasaare u gaysatay, haddana sida xoogga ah u bur-burisay naf iyo maalba Somaliland, waxa ay isla qaateen, oo soo jeediyeen in ay khasab tahay in Somaliland ka baxdo midowgii lagu hungoobay ee 1960-kii, Qaran gaar ahna noqoto. Soo-jeedintaa waxa ansixiyey Golihii Dhexe ee Ururka SNM oo la ballaadhiyey, laguna soo daray beelihii ka maqnaa Ururka SNM. Taas oo dhammaan shacabka reer Somaliland-na taageero buuxda ku guddoomeen.


  • Shir-weynahaasi sidoo kale waxa uu go’aamiyey in SNM talada dalka sii hayso muddo laba sanno ah, oo ay gaadhsiiso doorasho qof iyo cod ah, waxaana loo doortay Madaxweyne iyo Madaxweyne Ku-xigeen, Guddoomihii iyo Guddoomiye Ku-xigeenkii SNM ee markaa xilka hayey.


  • Xukuumaddii la dhisay waxa ka hor yimid duruufo adag, dhaqaale xumo iyo kaabayaashii dhaqaalaha iyo nolosha oo dhammaantood burbursan. Ciidammadii oo aan loo haynin sahay iyo saad toona, mushahar iskaba daayo. Shacabkii Somaliland oo ka soo guryo-noqonaya Xeryihii Qaxootiga, kuna soo noqonaya dalkoodii oo miinaysan iyo guryahoodii oo burbursan. Iyada oo la halgamaysa duruufahaa adag iyo waayahaa qalafsan ee ku gadaaman, ayay haddana Xukuumaddaasi hirgelisay in uu qabsoomo Shir-weynihii Beelaha Somaliland ee 1993-kii ee magaalada Boorama.


MARXALADDA SADDEXAAD: May 1993 – MAY 2002: Dawlad Dhiska, Hub ka dhigista iyo Adkaynta Nabadda

  • Shir-weynihii Boorama ee qabsoomay January – May 1993, waxa lagu xalliyey dhibaatooyin badan oo ay ka mid ahaayeen isku dhicii beelaha, waxa la isla qaatay qaabka Dawladda la dhisayo in ay noqoto Nidaamka Madaxweynaha (Presidential), waxa la sameeyey, isla markaana shir-weynuhu ansixiyey Axdi Qarameedkii dalka oo saldhig u noqonayey Dastuurkan maanta jira, waxaana lagu doortay Madaxweynihii iyo Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenkii labaad ee dalka. Waxa lagu sharciyeeyey jiritaanka Golaha Guurtida JSL in uu noqdo Gole sharci ah oo markii hore ahaa Gole La-tashi.


  • Xukuumaddaa labaad waxa ay tii hore kaga nasiib wanaagsanayd in ay heshay Axdi Qarameed Shir-weyne ansixiyey. In kastoo dhawr jeer loo kordhiyey Xukuumaddaasi, haddana muddadii ay xilka haysay waxa ay hirgalisay Dawlad dhis, hub ka dhigis, Qaramayntii Ciidammada SNM iyo kuwii ciidan beeleedyada, Dhismaha Ciidamada Qaranka iyo Booliska, abuurista lacagta u gaarka ah Somaliland, Baasaaboorka Jamhuuuriyadda Somaliland. Waxa kale oo ay hirgalisay Calan Cusub iyo Hees Calan, waxaanay beddeshay calankii lagu ansixiyey Shir-weynhii Burco IWM.



MARXALADDA AFRAAD – JUNE 2001 ILAA MAANTA: Hana-qaadka Dastuurka, Dimuqraadiyadda iyo Horumarka

  • Marxaladdani waa marxalad kale oo muhiim u ah geedi-socodka Qarannimada Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland. Waa marxalad laga guuray Axdi Qarameedkii, lana hirgaliyey Dastuur Qaran oo dadweynuhu ku ansixiyeen afti dadweyne 97.5%, 31-kii May 2001.


  • Marxaladan waxa talada dalka iskaga dambeeyey saddex Madaxweyne oo ku yimi doorasho qof iyo cod ah, waxaana lagu dhaqmayey Dastuur Qaran iyo Xeerar kala duwan oo ay soo saareen Golayaasha Xeer Dajinta Qaranka.


  • Dastuurku waxa uu u horseeday dalka furitaanka Xisbiyada badan iyo doorashooyinka dimuqraadiyadeed. Ilaa hadda waxa dalka ka qabsoomay Lix Doorasho oo iskugu jira Madaxtooyada, Golaha Wakiillada iyo Golayaasha Deegaanka. Laba iyo Toban (12) cisho kadibna waxa loo dareerayaa doorashadii todobaad oo ah laba doorasho oo isku sidkan, oo nooceedu ku cusub yahay Somaliland.


  • Waxa horumar la xaad leh laga gaadhay dhismaha Dawladnimada, Dimuraadiyadda, Dhaqaalaha, Waxbarashada, Caafimaadka, Xidhiidhka Dibadda iyo Diblomaasiyadda, Biyaha, Waddooyinka, Dekedaha iyo Kaabayaasha kale ee dhaqaalaha.


Xaaladda Maanta:


Dadaalladii iyo tacabkii badnaa ee shacabka iyo Xukuumadihii kala danbeeyey ee Somaliland ay sameeyeen, waxa aynu ku  gaadhnay nabad, amni iyo istiqraar aynu ku naaloon karno, Dimuqraadiyad iyo Doorashooyin qof iyo cod ah, oo xor iyo xalaal ah, oo ka dhici kara wadamo kooban oo Qaaradda Afrika ah.


Muddadii 30-ka sanno ahayd ee ay Somaliland madax-bannaanideeda la soo noqotay waxaynu dhisannay cudud ciidan oo ku filan difaaca dadkeena iyo dalkeena Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland.


Waxa aynu horumar la taaban karo ka samaynay dhinacyada:






  • Waxa aynu ka nimi marxlad aanay jirin dugsiyo ardaydu wax ku dhigtaan balse geedaha hadhkoodu yahay dugsiga kaliya ee dalkan ka furan, kuraasta dugsiyada ee ay ardaydu ku fadhiistaana tahay dhagaxaan, dhammaan macallimiinta dugsiyaduna waxa ay ku shaqayn jireen tabaruc, wax gunno iyo mushahar ahna ma ay qaadan jirin


  • Allaahay mahadii waxa maanta dalka ka jira 1,730  dugsi oo si wanaagsan u qalabaysan iyo 31 Jamacadood.  Waxaana maanta ay maraysaa tirada Ardayda dhigata Dugsiyadu 356,959 arday, halka ay ardayda Jamaacaduhuna gaadhayaan 39,000 Arday. Waxa maanta ka hawl-gala dugsiyada dalka 11,360 macallin oo dhammaantood qaata mushahaar Dawladeed.



  • Dhinaca Caafimaadka, waxa aynu ka soo bilawnay 1991-kii meel aanay waxba jirin, halka tirada goobaha caafimaadku ay maanta marayso 454 iskugu jira Cisbitaalo iyo Xarumo Caafimaad.


  • Sannadkii 2020-ka waxa lagu daweeyey Xarumaha Caafimaadka ee dalka dad ka badan 5 Milyan oo isugu jira Bukaan-jiif iyo Bukaan-socod.


  • 1991-kii caruurta Somaliland may heli jirin tallaal haba yaraatee, halka labadii sanno ee ugu dambeeyey laga tallaalay xannuunada faafa caruur tiradoodu dhan tahay 540,000 oo caruur ah.


Ceelasha Biyaha iyo Dhaamamka;


  • 1991-kii waxa dalka lagu soo noqday dhammaan ceelasha iyo dhaamamka biyaha oo la dumiyey, halka aynu maanta ka qodanay 484 Ceel, kana dhisannay 109 Dhaam.


  • 1991-kii haba yaraatee may jirin Shaqaale Dawladeed iyo mushaar ay u xaadiri karaan bishii midna. Halka ay maanta Dawladda Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland u shaqeeyaan cudud Shaqaale oo gaadhaya 20,860 oo qof.


  • 1991-kii Xukuumaddii Somaliland ee xilligaa jirtay haba yaraatee may haysan dhaqaale, Miisaaniyad ay Golayaal ansixiyaan iyo Dakhli Dawladda ka soo gala Nidaamka Cashuuraha midna. Halka Orodoska Miisaaniyadda Dawladda ee 2021-ku ay tahay 2,101,500,000,000 SL.SH.


Waxa aynu Hiigsanayno Qaran ahaan Mustaqbalka:


Yoolka koowaad: Ictiraaf-raadinta


  • Somaliland waxa ay xoogga iskugu gaynaysaa in ay hesho Ictiraaf caalami ah sannadaha soo socda.


  • Waxa ay dar-dar galinaysaa dadaallada aqoonsi raadinta JSL.
  • Waxa ay xoojinaysaa xidhiidhada Diblomaasiyadeed ee hadda jira, waxaanay raadinaysaa kuwo cusub.


  • Waxa aannu xoojinaynaa tirada, tayada, kartida iyo aqoonta Hawl-wadeennada Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah.


Yoolka Labaad: Dhaqaalaha


  • Somaliland waxa ay beegsanayaa in xoog hoos loogu dhigo Faqriga, korna loo qaado dhaqaalaha qofka muwaadinka ahi heli karo (Per Capita Income).


  • Waxa la dhiiri-gelinayaa maal-gelinta maal-qabeennadeena iyo maal-gelinta Shisheeyaha, gaar ahaan dhanka wax-soo-saarka; sida, Warshadaha, Kalluumaysiga, Beeraha, Milixda, Nidaamka casriga ah ee Xoolo-dhaqashada IWM, Xukuumadduna waxa ay u sahlaysaa imkaaniyaatka a loo baahan yahay oo dhan.


  • Waxa dib u habayn iyo casriyey lagu samaynayaa nidaamka cashuuraha dalka iyo dalka.


  • Waxa la hirgelinayaa nidaamka kala xadaynta ganacsiga, si looga hortago in ganacsigu abuuro dabaqado nololeed oo in yar hantida dalku gacantooda ku ururto, inta badan ee mujtamucuna ay sabool sacabbo madhan ahaato.


  • Xukuumaddu waxa ay jeexatay siyaasad cad oo dalka loogu heli karo koronto jaban oo horseedi karta in dalka laga hirgeliyo warshado yar-yar oo horseedi kara shaqo abuur iyo hoos u dhigidda faqriga.


Yoolka Saddexaad: Caafimaadka

  • Waxa la beegsanayaa in shacabka Somaliland helaan adeeg caafimaad oo tayo leh, adeegga cisbitaalladu bixiyaanna kor loo qaado, si looga maarmo safaradda dibadda ee kharashka badan ku baxo.


  • Waxa la qaatay siyaasad ah in magaalooyinka waaweyn ee dalka mid walba laga dhiso cisbitaal casri ah oo dabooli kara baahida caafimaad ee taallada deegaankaas.


  • Waxa la kordhinayaa tirada iyo tayada dhakhaatiirta iyo hawl wadeennada caafimaadka ee dalka.


  • Waxa la qorsheeyey in la kordhiyo tirada iyo tayada xarumaha caafimaadka ee hooyooyinka iyo dhallaanka (MCHs), adeegyada caafimaadkana lagu fidiyo deegaannada miyiga ah.


  • Waxa la qorsheeyey in tirada iyo wax-tarka gaadiidka gumarka deg-dega ah (Ambulances), si loo ballaadhiyo gurmadka caafimaadka ee dalka.


Yoolka Afraad: Biyaha

In kasta oo aynu qodanay 484 ceel oo dhaadheer iyo 109 dhaam oo waaweyn, haddana kuma filna baahida biyaha ee dadkeenu qabaan. Sidaa darteed:


  • Waxaanu hiigsanaynaa in la qodo dhaamam waaweyn oo qaban kara biyaha roobka ee aynu sannadkii helno, si loo yareeyo biyo la’aanta inagu soo noq-noqota xilliyada abaarta, loogana faa’iidaysto biyaha roobka ee badda gala sannad walba.


  • Waxa la qorsheeyey in la xoojiyo biyo-gelinta magaalooyinka iyo helitaanka biyo nadiif ah.

Yoolka Shanaad: Waxbarashada


  • Waxa la beegsanayaa in la kordhiyo tirada dugsiyada dalka, korna loo qaado tayada waxbarashada iyo Macallimiinta.


  • Waxa xoogga la saarayaa barashada aqoonta Xisaabta iyo Sayniska oo qayb ka noqon kara horumarka mustaqbalka la hiigsanayo.


  • Waxa Manhajka waxbarashada dalka lagu soo darayaa aqoonta Tiknoolajiyadda oo maanta horumarka dhaqaalaha adduunka qayb laxaad leh ku leh.


  • Waxa la kordhinayaa waxbarashada xirfadaha farsamada gacanta ee ay bixiyaan dugsiyada Farsamada Gacanta, waxa sidoo kale la kordhinayaa tirada Dugsiyada Farsamada Gacanta ee ka jira dalka.


  • Waxa la abuuray Guddida Tacliinta Sare ee dalka, waxaana qorshaysan in la hubiyo tayada iyo aqoonta ay bixiyaan Jaamacaddaha dalku.


  • Waxa la dejiyey hal-beeg rasmi ah oo lagu cabbiri karo awoodda iyo tayada aqooneed ee Jaamacadaha dalka, taas oo lagu salayn doono ruqsad bixinta iyo ruqsad kala noqoshada Jaamacadaha dalka.


Yoolka Lixaad: Kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha

  • Somaliland oo ka faa’iidaysanayna muhiimadda ay leedahay mandaqadda juquraafiyadeed ee ay ku taallo ee kulaalaysa Marin Biyoodka Baabul Mandab, oo uu maro saddex meeloodoow, meel ganacsiga iyo badeecadaha adduunka oo dhan, innagoo og in ay dhismihii ballaadhinta Dekedda Berbera ee 400 Mitir ee ugu horeeyey ay dhammaadeen, dhawaana la furi doono, haddana waxa aanu ku rajo waynahay in dhismaha Dekedda Berbera lagu kordhiyo 600 Mitir oo cusub, taas oo ka dhigaysa Dekedda Berbera mid ka mida Dekedaha ugu waaweyn Afrika.


  • Waxaanu beegsanaynaa in Dekedda Berbera u adeegto sannadkii hal Milyan oo Container, halka ay maanta uga adeegto 150,000 oo Container oo kaliya sannadkii.


  • Waxa laga dhigayaa Madaarka Berbera Madaar Caalami ah oo u adeega bulshada iyo badeecadaha adduunka, waxaana la casriyey doonaa sidoo kale Madaarka Cigaal ee Magaalada Hargeysa.


  • Waxa dib loo habayn doonaa kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha ee kale, sida waddooyinka.


Yoolka Toddobaad: Doorashooyinka iyo Nidaamka Dimuqraadiga ah

  • Waxa aynu hiigsanaynaa in aynu dhidibbada u adkeyno Dimuqraadiyadda ka hana-qaaday dalkeena, xoojinana hannaanka Dawladnimo.


  • Waxa aynu xoogga saaraynaa shacab ahaan, Xukuumad ahaan iyo Axsaabta Qaran ahaanba in doorashooyinka isku Sidkan ee Golaha Wakiillada iyo Golayaasha Deegaanka JSL ay u dhacaan si nabad-gelyo ah oo xor ah.


  • Somaliland waxa ay hadda bixisay in ka badan 75% kharashka ku baxaya doorashooyinka Isku Sidkan ee soo socda, balse waxa aannu hiigsanaynaa mustaqbalka in aan kafaalo qaadno dhammaan dhaqaalaha ku baxaya doorashooyinka Somaliland 100%, taas oo aannu u aragno in ay qayb ka tahay xoojinta Qarannimada iyo Madaxbannaanida JSL, waana masuuliyad aynu leenahay Qaran ahaan.


  • Waxa la qorsheeyey in la tayeeyo, korna u qaadno aqoonta, kartida iyo hufnaanta shaqada Hay’adaha ku shaqada leh Dimuqraadiyadda iyo Doorashooyinka dalka, sida Komishanka Doorashooyinka Qaranka, Guddida Diiwaan-gelinta Ururada Siyaasadda, Guddida Tacliinta Sare, Bahda Garsoorka iyo Laamaha kala duwan ee Amniga.


  • Waxa la diyaariyey Barnaamijka Dib-u-habaynta Hay’adaha Garsoorka iyo Caddaalada ee Dalka.


  • Waxa la diyaariyey qorshaha kor loogu qaadayo aqoonta Hay’adaha Amnigu u leeyihiin Dastuurka iyo Shuruucda dalka, si hawl-galladooda shaqo u noqdaan kuwo ku qotoma Dastuurka iyo Shuruucda dalka.




Ugu dambayn:



  • Aad iyo aad baan uga xunahay dhibaatooyinka iyo gar-darada lagu hayo shacabka Falastiin. Waxaanu ugu baaqaynaa in la joojiyo colaada iyo dhiiga ku daadanaya Falastiin. Waxaanu u soo jeedinaynaa Dawladaha diidmada qayaxan leh in ay is-hortaagaan gar-darada iyo xasuuqa lagu hayo maatida iyo shacabka Falastiin.



  • Waxa nasiib daro ah in maanta Dawladda Xamar ee wakhtigeedu dhammaaday ay tahay Dawladda kaliya ee diidan, kana soo hor-jeeda Qarannimada Somaliland. Waa cadawtinimo aan loo meel dayin, oo cidhib xumo dheer ku yeelan doonta guud ahaan Shucuubta Soomaalida. Waxa aannu ku talinaynaa Soomaali waxay u baahan tahay nabad, iskaashi iyo horumar meel ay joogaanba. Taana waxa lagu heli karaa iyada oo la isku aqoonsado, la iskuna qadariyo Qarannimada shantii Soomaaliyeed oo mid walba halkii Alla dhigay ku nagi tahay.


  • Shacabka Somaliland waxa aan ku boorinayaa in ay doorashooyinka isku sidkan ee dhici doona 31 May in ay ku galaan isku duubni, walaalnimo iyo dal jacayl, kana dhigaan mid cadawgeenu ka naxo, inta Somaliland jecelina ku faraxdo.


  • Xisbiyada Qaranka, muxaafid iyo mucaaradba, Murashixiinta iyo shacabka codka bixinayaba, waxa aan ugu baaqayaa in ay hor mariyaan danta Qaranka, xil weyna iska saaraan amniga iyo nabad-gelyada dalkooda, gaar ahaan maalmaha doorashooyinka.



Somaliland Ha Waarto.

Somaliland Ha Guulaysato.




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