President Bihi Receives Cordial Reception Upon Arrival to Guinea Conakry


Following the official invitation of the Government of Guinea Conakry, the president of the Republic of Somaliland H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi and his delegation have safely landed at Gbessia International Airport in Conakry.

Upon arrival, the incumbent president of Somaliland received a cordial reception where his delegation was subjected to red carpet treatment.

Foremost, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Guinea Mamadi Toure received the high-ranking delegation to the VIP lounge of the airport. Aftermath, the delegation boarded a special helicopter which conveyed the delegation to the Guinean Presidential Palace.

Accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Minister, Finance Minister and Health Minister and Adna Adam – a member of committee for seeking recognition, the delegation has embarked on a three-day working tour.

President Bihi will meet his counterpart and will then hold bilateral talks between on the issues pertaining the two nations.


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